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Volcanic Attitude Festival of contemporary culture between Naples and Vulcano (Aeolian Islands)

Volcanic Attitude is a traveling festival between Naples and the Aeolian Islands that explores volcanic territories together with artistə and scientistə

Every year in June, Volcanic Attitude connects the research of artistə and espertə from various scientific disciplines with volcanic territories and the primary forces of nature. People rpvenient from all walks of life and geography as long as they are curious about the deeper themes (to the sky and to the sea), are invited to predendere part of the journey that begins in Naples and reaches Vesuvius. The Festival is a way to experience up close the creation of a performance like scientific talk setting, share convivial moments of regenerative joy, and to investigate the ways in which we act and think and how these change in relation to place and the tools we use.

Project of

Arthur Cravan Foundation - That's Contemporary - Centro Itard Lombardia

Main Partner

Charon & Tourist

Photo credits

Emilio Messina