MILAN CITY OF ART Palazzo Giureconsulti
Interactive exhibition produced by Google Arts & Culture in partnership with That's Contemporary.
Following the collaboration between That's Contemporary and Google Arts & Culture, a digital project of 150 selected works of art that can be admired online, That's Contemporary was invited to represent the contemporary in the city as part of the interactive exhibition "Milan City of Art," which allowed people to discover Milan's artistic beauty with Google Arts & Culture technologies.
In keeping with its role as a guide to contemporary art in Milan, That's Contemporary has curated digital exhibitions specifically for the project with the intention of providing users with a comprehensive overview of the artistic journey of various contemporary players.
Mudec - Museo del Novecento - That's contemporary - Pirelli - HangarBicocca - Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano - Castello Sforzesco - Viafarini - Casa Boschi Di Stefano - Palazzo Giureconsulti - Camera di Commercio Milano Monza Brianza e Lodi - Unioncamere - Milano Card - Sistema Bibliotecario di Milano - Fabbrica del Vapore - Pinacoteca Biblioteca
Ambrosiana - Milan Museum of Natural History.
What we did
digital curating and biographical storytelling